Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Hey everyone,

Sorry, I've been away so long but I've been a really mischievous young man lately. I'm into everything man. I've got to admit it, there's just too much out there that I don't know about and I want to figure things out. Like whats in that cabinet below mommy's sink? Or what's in the cabinet in the kitchen? Mommy and daddy always get to go in there so I figured I get to go in there too. Anyway, daddy didn't like that idea too much so he babyproofed everything.

Now I can't get into anything. So I decided that if they wanted to hold a young baby down then I'd begin throwing baby fits. Once again daddy and mommy didn't like that idea too much, so I've been introduced to three things.

The first is called the spank. This is when mommy or daddy tells me not to do something, but I proceed to do it anyway. After I proceed to do it, it is then followed by daddy's hand tapping my hand or in some instances my bottom while saying NO. This is then proceeded by me inhaling all the air I can and then holding it in for about a minute and then I let it all out with the loudest scream ever created by a human being. That'll show them to spank me again.

The second is called "timeout". Once again this is when I want to do something that mommy says isn't nice such as hitting, slapping, and throwing food, and when she says no and I still proceed to do it even after the spank doesn't work, then we proceed to timeout. This is where I get put in my crib or sat against the wall for about a minute until I decide to stop throwing a fit. Timeout isn't too bad. Usually mommy doesn't make me wait the full minute. I usually get to leave after about 15 seconds and then I'm back off to playin with my toys.
The third is Officer Kevin. He's a police officer that's a friend of mommy and daddy's. As you can see he likes me too much to administer any type of punishment so I'm not too worried about their third option. Can you say wrapped around my finger. hehe!

So that's what I've been up to for the last two months. Oh, I'm also really fast at crawling and when I pull up on things I can let go and can stand up all by myself. Pretty soon I'll be running all over the place. I can't wait! Oh, I also now have 8 teeth. Man am I getting old!

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